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Based mainly on the national census of 1880, a new gazetteer of Hungary came out in 1882: A magyar korona országainak helységnévtára = Orts-Lexicon der Länder der ungarischen Krone / az Orsz. M. Kir. Statistikai Hivatal felülõrködése mellett szerk. Kollerffy Mihály, Jekelfalussy József = unter Aufsicht des K. Ung. Statistischen Landes-Bureaux redigirt von Michael Kollerffy, Josef Jekelfalussy - Budapest : Athenaeum, 1882. - 142, [2] p., 1292 has., XXX p., [1] t. [English translation of bibliographical data: Gazetteer of the countries of the Hungarian Crown / under the auspices of the Hungarian National Royal Statistical Office ed. by Mihály Kollerffy, József Jekelfalussy. - Budapest : Athenaeum, 1882. - 142, [2] p., 1292 col., xxx p., [1] t.] This gazetteer has two parts: the first part gives a listing of counties with their districts and settlements. Section two, sorted alphabetically, has detailed information like number of houses, inhabitants, parishes, juridicial and public administration affiliations of settlements. Although data of section two could be helpful, too, pages here are reproductions of section one only: you can find the names of settlements county by county. Maybe, little by little, these pages will grow and will incorporate more detailed data. Ok, but what is the use of this utility at its current standings? Well, thinking of family historians, settlement listing could help you in matching places found in hardly decipherable research materials, in substantiating their existence. I know, it would be nice to list current names of settlements, too. Hope some day this can be accomplished. If you would like to have a tool providing such information I would highly recommend to purchase the book "Magyar helységnév-azonosító szótár" by György Lelkes. See Talma Publishers. Furthermore Talma came out with an other book in 2000: "Magyarország közigazgatási atlasza 1914", which has detailed map sections showing all the settlements with railways, roads etc. in 1914. You can download and / or print these pages. Feel free to use this utility for personal purposes. Please give credit to the Radix site. The list of counties © János Bogárdi, 2000 |